

Volunteer To Support TPMS

The Parks Main Street (TPMS) is a volunteer-driven organization, part of the DC Main Streets program, dedicated to the vitality of Riggs Park and Manor Park’s commercial corridors. 

We’re seeking volunteers and Board members to join us in this mission. 

TPMS is a member of Main Street America which uses the Four Point Approach.  This strategy focuses on Economic Vitality, Design, Promotion, and Organization to leverage local assets—from cultural or architectural heritage to local enterprises and community pride—to support small businesses.  This means it can be easily tailored to local conditions in Riggs Park and Manor Park.

Board Membership is required for Committee Chairs, but not for Committee Members. There are five ways to contribute your time:

  1. Promotions Committee: Markets TPMS and its businesses, shapes a positive image, increases traffic, and plans events. Meets monthly.
  2. Design Committee: Ensures the corridor’s physical appeal through displays, signs, lights, and landscaping. Meets monthly.
  3. Economic Vitality Committee: Recruits new businesses, helps existing ones expand, and addresses relevant issues through studies and discussions. Meets monthly.
  4. Organization Committee: Develops TPMS into a sustainable organization, leads fundraising, recruits volunteers, and promotes TPMS’s work with partners. Meets monthly.
  5. General Volunteers: Assists with events, special projects, mailings, and other administrative tasks.

If you’re interested in helping in a specific way, email us at info@theparksmainstreet.org! Contributing your time and skills can make a big difference as a small business advocate.  

Join us today by completing the form below!